Thursday, October 29, 2015


So today I've decided that I'm going to talk about "Gossip Girl". This show is pretty much how rich people live in New York but it taught me a lot about how to deal with problems. They have this group of four (sometimes more) people and they work together to pretty much figure out who "Gossip Girl" is and how to deal with the problem he or she caused. In my opinion this show is very high in the drama category and it's very angled towards teenage girls. So when I watched this show I was immediately hooked because of all the drama with all the different characters like their love lives , friendships or even about their families. I did really enjoy it though because qall the viewers were always trying to figure out the big mystery of who is "Gossip Girl". This show really shows the viewers that people really aren't always what they seem. It really shocked me when i found out who gossip girl was because it was the last person you'd expect. But what i really loved is that the whole show there's this giant mystery and you as a viewer have to try and figure it out.

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