Thursday, January 21, 2016


Switched At Birth

Switched at birth is a very good show in my opinion,  in this show there are a lot of different difficulties that the main characters Bay and Daphne need to over come. This show is all about family and the title says it all. Two girls were accidentally switched at birth andthey don't find out until their 16th birthday and honestly I think viewers learn a lot of very important life lessons in watching this show. 

I do enjoy this show because I really did not know anything about people that are deaf and I feel like I understand what they're going through more so now after watching the show than I did before I watched it. I also find it very cool that they do so much hand language so it shows the viewers what it's like to be in their shoes, this is important because most hearing people often don't even realize how lucky they are, to just be able to hear properly. I know that I personally did not realize that hearing the sound of my loved ones voices. I stopped and tried to imagine what it would be like to never hear my parents voices or my sisters laugh, I never realized just how beautiful it is o be able to hear those things. I love my family, not being able to hear them talking to me or telling me that they love me too, that would be horrible. 

Seeing as this will be my last blog I would just like to say that I really enjoyed sharing my ideas with all of you, although there aren't many people reading this, it's good to know that I've been able to share my ideas and "wisdom" with someone other than my dog. 

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Gilmore Girls, this show is really a classic it has all the elements that we love in a teenage drama. It has comedy, successful women, love stories, drama, friendhsips aned great family life. This show for me was one of the most important shows I've ever watched. It made me laugh, cry and scream all at the same time. I really loved this show because the main mother daughter relationship is so heartbreakingly beautiful that I almost wished me and my own mother had something similar. My mom is a really good mom and we have a really good relationship, but the relationship that Rory Gilmore, (Alexis Bledel) has with her mother Lorelai Gilmore, (Lauren Graham) is what I believe to be every girl's dream.

Rory Gilmore is a very successful journalist while her mother LOrelai is a successful owner of an Inn. All the women AS WELL as the men in this show are very successful and I think that it's very good motivation to see so many people being successful, enough to motivate teenagers to go and work hard to try and be successful. 

This show motivated me to be thest version of myself and I think it would help others too.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


Doctor who. Yes, I'm a nerd, sometimes. I do love doctor who, it's one of the best shows in my opinion. Doctor who has been around for over 50 years. It's a British show and it's very good to watch, but if it is your first time watching I do suggest starting from the beginning of the new series with the 9th doctor. (Christopher Eccleston). My favorite doctor would have to be Matt Smith or David Tennant. I think that they really brought the show to life and showed us just how great this show is. I started watching this show quite a few years ago and its always been a favourite of mine because no matter what there's always a twist of some sort. this show is just very interesting and fun to watch. doctor who

Friday, January 15, 2016


That 70's Show. This is a show that I enjoy very much. It is very comical but at the same time it has taught me a lot about friendships. This show is as the title says based in the 1970's. It's about a group of friends and what their lives were like in the 70's. 

I liked this show because before it I didn't really understand what teenagers did without cellphones, I grew up in the beginning of the iPhone era so I never really had to get by without it. But it seems like these teenagers have even more fun than we do! Not having the cellular devices to distract from spending time with each other they actually sat around and talked with each other! I know, sounds crazy, but it's true! If you were wondering that was very sarcastically typed on my iPhone. 

This show made me really think about what a true friend is and made me realize tha the people I was surrounding myself with weren't real friends at all. This helped me be a lot happier in the long run because I now the most amazing friends anybody could ever ask for.

Thursday, January 14, 2016


Once Upon A Time. I believe that this show is a very, very interesting because it is basically every fairytale combined. I enjoy it a lot because I grew up hearing the classical versions of these stories and I like hearing them all put together in such a way that allows them all to be told by the same person and they all just fit perfectly. For me this show helped me to really think about how important your family really is. I come from a some what big family, being the last child of five I always thought of how cool it would be to be an only child, or how great it would be to be on my own. In this show one of the main characters grows up in the foster system and is 28 years old before she is reunited with her parents and it made me really realize that I would hate not having my family. Yes, sometimes having a lot of siblings can be annoying and there can be a lot of fighting but at the end of the day we all love each other and i would not trade them for the world. Which is why I related to this show so much, because once she found her family she was so much better off and you could see that they all really love each other. This show gave me hope that no matter what happens love is stronger than anything, especially from your family and that is a very important lesson to learn.
